Lubomir Mikov
Lyubomir Mikov graduated in Bulgarian philology at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" and then started working at the Institute of Folklore at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. In 1985 he received the degree of "candidate of art history" (today the scientific and educational degree of "doctor"). In 2002 he obtained the scientific degree "Doctor of Historical Sciences". Since 1998 he has been a part-time lecturer at the New Bulgarian University, and since 2006 - at the National Academy of Arts, where he lectures on Ottoman architecture and art. From 2001 to 2010 he was the editor-in-chief of the Bulgarian Folklore magazine. He founded the non-periodic series "Islam and Folk Traditions" in the magazine. Works in the field of Bulgarian folk and Revival applied art, Ottoman architecture and art in the Bulgarian lands, ethnology of the Bulgarians and Sufism. He is the author of 7 more books and more than 100 studies and articles.