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Фактори за ефективност на митническия контрол върху трафика на фалшифицирани и пиратски стоки, нарушаващи права на интелектуална собственост
Фактори за ефективност на митническия контрол върху трафика на фалшифицирани и пиратски стоки, нарушаващи права на интелектуална собственост
Цветан Мадански
19.00 лв.

10 бр. в наличност

Година на публикуване: 2019

Тип на корицата: Мека

Категория: Икономика

Издание: Първо издание

Страници (бр.): 200

Формат: n/a

Език: Български


The book presents a detailed and systematic analysis of the control activity of the Bulgarian customs administration in the fight against trafficking in counterfeit and pirated goods and the factors for increasing the effectiveness of this category of control. The characteristics of the phenomenon of production and trade in counterfeit and pirated goods, the types of protected intellectual property rights and the relationship between the security of the international supply chain and the fight against trafficking and distribution of counterfeit and pirated goods are studied. The specifics of the customs control over the trafficking of goods infringing intellectual property rights are discussed. Factors for the effectiveness of control have been identified and classified and the key importance of the factor of training of customs officers has been substantiated. The indicators for measuring the effectiveness of customs control are derived and are applied in the analysis of empirical and statistical data obtained from observation in a real environment. The customs control is considered in the context of the participation of the Republic of Bulgaria in the Customs Union, and the observation period covers the period of the full membership of the Republic of Bulgaria in the European Union - 2007-2017. More about this source textSource text required for additional translation information Send feedback Side panels

За автора


ISBN: 978-954-322-986-4

Година на публикуване: 2019

Категория: Икономика

Издание: Първо издание

Език: Български

Тип на корицата: Мека

Страници (бр.): 200

Тегло (кг.): 0.350 кг.

Формат: n/a

Ширина (мм.): /n/a

Височина (мм.): /n/a

Дебелина (мм.): /n/a

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